Pretty Pony Ranch
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Pretty Pony Ranch News

Just the daily life on a real ranch in Oklahoma. Not easy, not for everyone but that is where you really find out what you are made of.

My Photo
Location: Where the Wind Is, Oklahoma, United States

Cheerful, dedicated, positive, talented, gracious, polite, athletic, worldly, hardworking, fun loving, attractive, kind, generous, and more to follow!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Earth Day Soapbox

It is Earth Day today and besides working in my garden, I felt the need to do something that's going to make a difference. But what exactly? I already recycle as much as I can at home. All my horse by-products go right onto my flowerbeds!

What seems to bother me the most is the fuel prices at the pumps. I have a big rig that gets amazingly good mileage but it still hurts to fuel up. I still need to pick up horses, get hay and try go to some shows this year. Then it came to me last night while watching tv. One news/talk show host said that if each one of us would adjust our driving habits and reduce gas consumption by just 10%, we the people, could force the oil companies to lower pump prices.

I have decided to drive 55 mph instead of 75. I am going to have a sign made that says "I DRIVE 55 not 75 to SAVE FUEL & $$" and put that on my truck when I'm going down the highway. This idea is not a new one. In fact, in the 70's when there was a certain peanut farmer in the White House and long gas lines nationwide, the national speed limit was lowered to 55 mph. It might be time to lower it again.

As Meryl Streep said in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" - that's all.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am sure some of you can relate....ohhh look at the butterfly! They have finally found a diagnosis for my condition. Hooray!! I have recently been diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D.! Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder... This is how it goes: I decide to wash the car; I start toward the garage and notice the mail on the table. Ok, I'm going to wash the car. But first I'm going to go through the mail. I lay the car keys down on the desk, discard the junk mail and I notice the trashcan is full. Ok, I'll just put the bills on counter and take the trashcan out, but since I'm going to be near the mailbox anyway, I'll pay these few bills first. Now, where is my checkbook? Oops, there's only one check left. My extra checks are in the desk. Oh, there's the lemonade I was drinking. I'm going to look for those checks. But first I need to put my lemonade further away from the computer, oh maybe I'll pop it into the fridge to keep it cold for a while. I head towards the kitchen and my plants catch my eye, they need some water. I set the lemonade on the counter and uh oh! There are my glasses. I was looking for them all morning! I'd better put them away first. I fill a container with water and head for the flowerpots - - Aaaaaagh! I left the TV remote in the kitchen. I'll never think to look in the kitchen tonight when I want to watch television so I'd better put it back in the family room where it belongs. I splash some water into the pots and onto the floor, I throw the remote onto a soft cushion on the sofa and I head back down the hall trying to figure out what it was I was going to do? End of Day: The car isn't washed, the bills are unpaid, and the lemonade is still sitting on the kitchen counter, the plants are half watered, the checkbook still only has one check in it and I can't seem to find my car keys! Where did I put my glasses again? When I try to figure out how come nothing got done today, I'm baffled because I KNOW I WAS BUSY ALL DAY LONG!!! I realize this is a serious condition and I'll get help, BUT FIRST I think I'll check my e-mail...!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My First Foal of the Year

This day has been one that I have been waiting for with so many mixed emotions. While anxiously awaiting the first Maverick foal of the year that brings such a smile to my face, I just knew I would have tears. Tears of joy and happiness, and tears of sadness.

I knew that the 18 yr old mare VooDoo has just huge big boned foals. Last year's bay roan filly by Maverick had to be pulled out. I decided to let Kathy at Key Stallion Station foal her out again. I was there just yesterday, brushing Voo, braiding her tail up and feeling bad that her legs were so swollen. She was looking very uncomfortable, but still she is so sweet, resting her head in my arms with her eyes closed. Voo looked ready to foal any second. I called first thing this morning, thinking that surely Voo would have foaled overnight when the cold front came through. But she wasn't ready yet. By late afternoon, when I got a call from Kathy that Voo had foaled this afternoon, I was so excited but not surprised. Kathy told me she needed help pulling this foal out because the foal was so big. I was so grateful that Voo was there, in the big foaling stall with all the help close by to assist her.

VooDoo had an enormous dun stud colt, the spitting image of his daddy. A dun colt just like Maverick, with his great heart, kind soul, and ability to draw in all those who lay eyes on him. A clone of Maverick that I can pin all my hopes and dreams on for the future of my breeding program.

Today brought a wonderful gift.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Never a Dull Moment on the Ranch

Again, it has been another busy week at home. I thought I would have left for Texas by now but a few things have held me up. It has been sunny and warm one day, then snow and rain the next day. The horses aren't sure if they should loose their winter hair or hold on to it all. It's just springtime in the Rockies!

I got a call on Tuesday from Kathy at Key Stallion Station that Huey, my gorgeous blue roan yearling, was lame and on three legs! He is an enormous colt, big boned, pleasant attitude, and a real nice stallion prospect. He was just fine the day before. In fact, he was running, bucking and acting like a typical colt. Then he comes up dead lame on his right hind.

At first glance, it looked like Huey might have an abscess forming. We had the vet look him over, and he couldn't find a thing. We decided to nerve block his heel as it was difficult to tell exactly where he was lame. Once Huey was blocked, a few minutes later, he was walking around just fine. My farrier was called to trim down the hoof to see if there was an abscess forming. After the trimming, no abscess was found. The next day, Huey had an appointment for digital radiographs to see what the problem was.

Huey was diagnosed with a lateral coffin bone fracture! It could have happened when he was jumping, bucking and playing, who knows. Probably kicked a steel post. Thank goodness, that's all it was and not the P-2. I have opted not to have surgery on this fast growing colt. This type of injury can be corrected with a bar shoe and stall rest. I am so grateful to have a super farrier, Troy Kerr. He is a miracle worker as far as I am concerned.

One thing that Huey will be getting during his recovery are Total Health Enhancement products. One product to increase the blood flow to the hoof in the morning and one product to increase the collagen production at night. If you haven't heard about these amazing products yet, you will. Please go to the Total Health Enhancement web site for more information.

The hardest part about Huey's recovery will be trying to keep him quiet for a month. Maybe I should get him a little barn buddy to keep him company. Hmmm, what should I get?!

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