Pretty Pony Ranch
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Pretty Pony Ranch News

Just the daily life on a real ranch in Oklahoma. Not easy, not for everyone but that is where you really find out what you are made of.

My Photo
Location: Where the Wind Is, Oklahoma, United States

Cheerful, dedicated, positive, talented, gracious, polite, athletic, worldly, hardworking, fun loving, attractive, kind, generous, and more to follow!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall is Here

For all of my friends who made it through the drought this summer, I applaud your perseverance. It isn't easy having to sell your herd due to lack of water but as stewards of the land, we have to make tough decisions sometimes. I just hate seeing the ads for cattle, selling below market value, due to no feed.

For those of you that still have your livestock, I wish you luck. The hay prices have gone crazy, and already, there have been hay rationing going on around here! Its just mind-boggling to me, but I suspect it will only get worse as the winter gets closer.

Speaking of winter, I shoveled 4 inches of snow just a few days ago. Where is Indian Summer!?

Within a few weeks, I will be loading up some of the young horses and heading east. I hate to leave Colorado, but have a great opportunity that I just can not pass up. If you don't hear from me for a while, not to worry. All change is for the better. My email will still find me, although a quick reply may be lacking.

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