Time to Catch Up
WOW! Winter came and went, along with a busy and emotionally painful Spring, a hot Summer and now, we are sliding into Fall already.
Starting with a move to Oklahoma, a new ranch, and new beginnings, life on the ranch has me feeling a little bit like Cinderella. A lot of work, throwing out the old and trying to make the busted and rusted work again.
I keep joking that if it isn't busted or rusted, it must need replacing. The roof on the main barn being replaced, skylights and new air vents installed, the only thing left is to have the energy efficient lighting put in the main alleyway. Visitors are trickling in, layovers are arriving and I have a place to put up horses in bright, clean stalls in the barn.
The hay barn is filled with MY hay! It was cut and baled off of my fields. The thought that I do not have to buy hay this winter is still foreign to me but looking forward to not having to worry about tracking down hay. I forgot what hard work it is to cut, bale and stack hay but its going to be worth it.
The house is another story. With its broken cabinets in the kitchen, nasty carpets and old outdated appliances,and the entire interior needing fresh paint, it will be fall or even springtime before I can get a start on it. I am making due with what is there, for now.
There is a good feel here that I enjoy regardless. Slowly, it is starting to have the feel of being my home. The parrot has made himself comfortable, chattering away, greeting anyone that comes in. Most of the horses are out in the pasture. The stallions are settling down after breeding season. The dogs are patrolling the barns, the chickens are making eggs, the geese are eating the weeds and grasshoppers around the fading garden. This is my ranch, and that feeling is a good one.
I will be updating the web site soon, with photos of the new ranch. I need to start riding more but when its 100+ degrees out, my motivation dwindles rapidly. Plenty of room for visitors so come on down!