Pretty Pony Ranch
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Pretty Pony Ranch News

Just the daily life on a real ranch in Oklahoma. Not easy, not for everyone but that is where you really find out what you are made of.

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Location: Where the Wind Is, Oklahoma, United States

Cheerful, dedicated, positive, talented, gracious, polite, athletic, worldly, hardworking, fun loving, attractive, kind, generous, and more to follow!

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Buckaroo Wedding

It was a warm Nevada morning, with a breeze blowing as it often does at this time of year. The guests gathered at the corrals to saddle their horses by 8 a.m. Then everyone headed into the foothills to gather the cattle before the wedding was to take place.

By the time the 100 or so pairs arrived at the basin where the wedding was to take place, the clearing was decorated with classic old trucks, a sagebrush branding fire, water troughs and bales of straw for benches as comfortable as any you'd find in a church. There were no fences, chutes, corrals or traps to be scene for miles.

The altar was the back of an old flatbed truck, the candles were the blazing branding fire. The horseback guests held the rodear. The bride carried a small bouquet of wild sage and lilacs. The bishop performed the short ceremony with the cattle singing in the background as sweet as any choir you have ever heard. The bride and groom kissed, the crowd cheered and the branding began. It just couldn't get any better than this.

Congrats to my dear friends, Martin and Jennifer Black. May the trails you travel together be filled with love, laughter and happiness.

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