Pretty Pony Ranch
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Pretty Pony Ranch News

Just the daily life on a real ranch in Oklahoma. Not easy, not for everyone but that is where you really find out what you are made of.

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Location: Where the Wind Is, Oklahoma, United States

Cheerful, dedicated, positive, talented, gracious, polite, athletic, worldly, hardworking, fun loving, attractive, kind, generous, and more to follow!

Friday, July 10, 2009


It has been just over a year since Rio's freak accident at the Alvord Ranch. Since then, Rio has had several different treatments all with the goal of, hopefully, restoring his knee's function ability. We did every thing from Cold Water Therapy, acupuncture, chiropractors, AquaThread, to range of motion excerises.

Yesterday I saddled Rio and rode out on Rio to gather cow and sort pairs. Besides having some major separation anxiety from his best friend Hank, Rio is sound and healthy. He acts like a 6 yr old insecure colt. I don't think he has had 10 days of riding all in one month since I've gotten him. Last year was a total loss. Now I have to begin all over.

As I rode out past the horse corrals ( passing Hank) and down the lane to the fields, Rio hopped up, put his head down and tried to buck. I felt pretty good because it was a very half hearted attempt buck and wasn't at all a serious attenpt to get rid of me. After that temper tantrum, we headed out to the field without a problem.

Once Rio had a job to do, he settled right down. Martin always says by keeping their feet moving, you keep a horse's brain working. Giving a horse a job is the best therapy! While we were sorting through the cows looking for pairs, Rio was fine. He moves slowly through the herd, and wasn't bothered by all the water crossings and streams we have to cross. When Rio was standing around holding rodear, he starts to get bored and fidget. I was helping get a cow out of the herd and took off in a slow canter to chase down the cow. Rio got right up to the cow, then his head down and bucked a couple of good ones. I went right off since I was leaning forward anyway. I hit the ground and Rio ran over to the other horses. Besides a few really nice bruises, I am fine. I got right back on Rio and rode him for the rest of the day. He was just fine after that little incident.

I am so proud of Rio and how brave he was during his recovery. I am grateful for my dear friend Katherine, who took care of Rio when he couldn't travel. Everyone at the Alvord are so amazed that he is walking again, much less back to work. I am in uncharted territory now. I don't know how much work I will be able to do with Rio. Only time will tell. For now, he is feeling good enough to buck me off! BIG SMILES!

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